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© Mateusz Matysiak

> Conservation of great snipe in Upper Narew River Valley

More about the project

> Conservation of nest-zone protected species in Lublin region

> Implementation of Great Snipe Action Plan - Phase 1

© Michał Korga

© Marcin Lenart

Completed and ongoing projects

© Michał Korga

From the very beginning, the Foundation has pursued its goals through the preparation and implementation of large, partnership projects aimed at species recovery. The implementation of projects is of course not an aim in itself, but only a mechanism for financing the statutory objectives and the Foundation. We carefully choose the areas and species with the commitment to work with them for many years. The area of ​​our activities so far is Eastern Poland (Podlasie and Lublin regions), and our flagship species is the great snipe, as well as rare species that require zone protection, such as the lesser spotted eagle, white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle and black stork. A single project cannot solve the complex problems responsible for the declines, therefore a long-term vision and consistency in implementing conservation programs are needed. Each project provides a building block in the implementation of this vision and consists of many conservation tools, from researching the species ecology, through developing strategies and systemic solutions and implementing active protection.

Foundation Natura International Polska is registered in the National Register of Associations in Poland (KRS): 0000308204. VAT: PL5783045121. REGON: 280381278

Address: Żyzna 18/16, 15-161 Białystok, Poland. Tel: +48 58 7356529. E-mail: info@natura-international.org.pl